National News Announcement of Lifeline Nehemiah Projects Continued Impact

On Tuesday, November 21st, the LNP leadership held a press conference designed to inform the wider public about the positive accomplishments achieved to date, and to explain the continued challenges faced in the future as we continue to pursue the founding vision of Lifeline Nehemiah Projects. With more THAN ten journalists in attendance, representing the

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Plans, Successes & Challenges

Plan: by 2024 we plan to celebrate the birthdays of each Nehemiah boy or girl, developing a calendar to display the birthday of each individual throughout the year. Plan: to gather funds in order to purchase new beddings, toiletries, underwear, shoes, and more food for the Nehemiah boys and girls. Plan: to buy fabric and

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2 Young Lives (2YL)

The 2YL team held their annual conference at Bumpe, Bo District, with 58 delegates drawn from the 12 sites, located in the 8 districts of Sierra Leone. The conference was launched with an address given by Prince Tommy Williams, the Executive Director of Lifeline Nehemiah Projects, who thanked all the mentors for their hard work

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Betteh Tumara Agriculture Project

LNP continues to collaborate with farmers and community stakeholders in the village of Punduru, Gorama Mende Chiefdom of the Kenema District, and we are delighted to confirm ongoing gains. Our support includes supplying the farmers high quality rice seed and cassava stems, together with counselling for both the families and individuals involved. The continued investments

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Lifeline Nehemiah Home

LNP and its partners continue to be strongly committed to supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged boys and girls, including them into the overall scope of the Nehemiah family, some of whom live in the Nehemiah Home, others continuing to live in their community but also receiving similar input. Thanks to the financial support being provided by

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Lifeline Betteh Tumara Technical & Vocational Institute (BT)

The continuing vision of the Betteh Tumara management team is to invest in the young people of Sierra Leone, the future generations, particularly those who are unemployed or vulnerable, and we offer vocational training in various areas, including Plumbing, Electrical Installation, Hospitality and ICT, and we currently have 150 students enrolled across those disciplines. Lifeline

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Nursery, Primary, Junior & Senior Secondary Schools

During the week of 30th October to 3rd November, the Lifeline Nehemiah Schools management team elected the prefects to hold responsibility in the Primary and Junior Secondary School sectors. The prefects for the Nursery and Senior Secondary Schools were elected at the same time but, sadly, we don’t have a photo available to display. The

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2 Young Lives (2YL)

Workshop in Tombo Community Mangenda traveled to Tombo Community with the express purpose training local school principals and teachers about the importance of the Radical Inclusion Policy. The 2 day training program was well attended and those present benefited by receiving clarity concerning the associated Sierra Leone Government policies, covering such areas as caring for

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Betteh Tumara Agriculture Project

In Punduru Community, LNP continues to consolidate the gains made through supporting the local farmers and community leaders in developing best and improved agricultural practices, and also in the continued education covering better care for the community’s children, especially the females.Currently, Lifeline is continuing to farm and maintain more than five acres of land producing

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