Category: General

Lifeline Punduru

Lifeline’s presence in Punduru is not limited to agricultural work but is having direct impact in the community through the mentorship and community engagement programs, the church, and our Junior Secondary School. Regarding the latter, this is commensurate with our vision to create space for all children to access education, even in the most remote

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Lifeline Church

As we seek to pursue our mission of investing in the young people, along with supporting and caring for the widows, orphans and disadvantaged people within the Church, the LNP leadership team continue to be greatly thankful for, and appreciative of, the continued support towards our work in Sierra Leone, from the leadership of Lifeline

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Education: Nursery, Primary, Junior and Secondary Schools

Schools reopened on January 8th, 2024, and effective learning starting. For this second term, a meeting of the Carers & Teachers Association (CTA) was convened on Saturday, January 20th. On Tuesday, January 23rd, a team from the Innovation for Poverty Action/Vision Action (IPA/VA) visited the school. These are two organisations that are helping school children

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Lifeline Nehemiah Home

Some of the Nehemiah Home boys and girls were able to visit their relatives during the Christmas holiday break, while the others spent their holiday time around the home and had the opportunity to go out with their friends. The time spent together celebrating Christmas was a good family occasion, and most certainly well worth

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Having started in the November, each of the schools completed their 1st term examinations on December 8th. We also held our Nine Lessons & Carol Service on December 7th, an annual program to commemorate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Friday, December 15th, heralded the commencement of the Christmas break for all

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Prayer Points December 2023

God’s financial provision for the entire LNP work Connect LNP with like-minded people who will be willing to invest in cash and in kind into LNP  Healing and God’s protection over the Lifeline family  Increased revelation of God be made complete to the young people we encounter in 2024 

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Gratitude to our Friends, Funders & Partners

The Lifeline Nehemiah Projects leadership team remains truly grateful to our friends, funders and partners for their continued support without which it would have been impossible for us to impact the lives of many vulnerable young girls and women, unemployed young people and disadvantaged children across Sierra Leone this past year. In 2023 we were

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Betteh Tumara Agriculture Project

Based in Punduru village, Gorama Mende Chiefdom, Kenema District, Lifeline’s agricultural work continues and we also remain committed to providing Junior Secondary School education for the young people in community and its surroundings. LNP also remains committed to the ongoing investment into the families and farmers by providing support, involving the supply of quality rice

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Lifeline Betteh Tumara Technical & Vocational Institute (BT)

Trainees in Hospitality, Electrical Installation, Plumbing and ICT disciplines have completed their first semester examinations, ending on December 15th and, together with the various Lifeline Nehemiah School groups, they are now on their Christmas and New Year holidays.  All 150 trainees have successfully completed this first semester although some of them were still unable to

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Lifeline Nehemiah Home

All the Nehemiah boys and girls are continuing to remain strongly connected to the Lifeline Nehemiah Family, enjoying love, care and holistic support through the LNP leadership team, in association with our partners, and friends. With the schools now on break, the Nehemiah boys and girls who reside on the LNP compound have started enjoying

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