Author: LifeLine Nehemiah Projects

Community Engagement & Involvement (CEI)

Community engagement and involvement have been critical methodologies employed in all our implemented projects, and it continues to guide our approach to communities, respecting the existing structures and, where necessary, challenging mindsets for positive change and influence. Through this approach we have been able to make inroads into many different communities, identifying problems together, and

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Lifeline Betteh Tumara Technical & Vocational Institute (BT)

Most of the trainees from the 2023/2024 cohort have now been sent on internships into the Bo, Kenema, Pujehun and Kailahun Districts, as well as into Freetown itself, and according to updates received from the various managers of the companies hosting them they are performing well, and playing their part in promoting the BT program

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Lifeline Nehemiah Leadership Programme

This program is set against the longstanding foundations of the Lifeline Nehemiah Home for boys and girls, but now reaches beyond, into the lives of other young people in the wider community. Having reached the end of the 2023/2024 academic year, the LNP leadership team is delighted to be able to inform you that most

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2YoungLives – 2YL

For the past four weeks Mangenda Kamara has been in the UK on a study visit for her PhD with the University of Sierra Leone. UK-based Lucy November and Mangenda have been analysing all the interviews and focus groups which have been taking place over the last year to understand the impact of 2YoungLives on

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Lifeline Church

It is exciting to announce that our children are increasingly feeling a part of the meetings, with the youth showing an interest in studying the word of God. There is also a growing sense of connection among the membership as they interact before, during and after meetings. However, there is a need for more support

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Lifeline Nehemiah Home Family

As part of our commitment, the LNP leadership continues to invest in young people despite their challenging backgrounds. The journey of investing in and building responsible citizens and families is an intentional approach to resolving social issues in Sierra Leone. The resulting approach means that the less privileged children – supported by LNP – reside

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Lifeline Betteh Tumara Technical & Vocational Institute (BT)

Following May’s update on the Lifeline Betteh Tumara program, the management continues to closely work with employers across Sierra Leone, seeking to allocate its trainees for internships. Currently, 60 trainees have been sent out for internships and according to the feedback we are receiving, all of them are performing well. These photos represent a cross-section

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Lifeline Nehemiah Nursery, Primary, Junior & Senior Secondary Schools

The Lifeline Nehemiah School’s management continues to implement effective strategies to provide a better learning environment for its students and to care for those who come from challenging backgrounds across each of the educational sectors, from Nursery through to Senior Secondary. The Junior Secondary School management team prepared the JSS3 students for the Basic Education

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Sierra Leone’s Future is Brighter

In the midst of challenges faced by Sierra Leone, Its people are hopeful, resilient, and loving, shone. Politics may cast a mixed mindset and cause trauma, Yet the spirit remains optimistic, with no drama. A few misguided souls may try to lead astray, But the nation cannot be hijacked, we pray. God’s love knows no

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2YoungLives – 2YL

The 2YoungLives continues, with two notable items to report: mentees at Calaba Town and Kuntorloh have been trained to produce baby food locally, a cost-effective source of highly nutritious food for healthy, happy babies a recent partnership meeting with Marie Stopes, which is leading to complement both organisations.

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