- LNP and its CEO, Prince Tommy Williams, received a special award from African Ovation 2024 in recognition of our good works.
- The 2024/2025 Academic year commenced with a strong sense of motivation, coupled with a clear vision.
- All the Betteh Tumara Technical & Vocational Training Institute trainees now have opportunities for internships.
- More than 90% of the eligible candidates in the Lifeline schools, in both the urban and rural locations, passed the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).
- We achieved government approval for the Lifeline Secondary Schools, which includes the prospect of support in the near future.
- Our emerging leaders are increasingly engaging with and understanding LNP’s broader vision as they continue in their individual development.
- In partnership with Welbodi Partnership, we successfully executed a project funded by NIHR in Sierra Leone and Lifeline, and since the 2YL team members are recognised by the NIHR, the CEO of LNP, Prince Tommy Williams, was invited to join the CEI advisory panel.
- We were invited by the Sierra Leone government, through the auspices of the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs, to review the Standard Operating Procedures for institutions providing care for children, including approved schools and other interim care centres.
- We were approached by the Sierra Leone government, through the Ministry of Higher Education, to provide input on the sustainability and improvement of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
- We conducted tours across eight districts in Sierra Leone to engage with District Health Medical Team, District Medical Officers, and medical officials in all eight associated government hospitals, and during the discussions almost everyone emphasised the need for and importance of voluntary blood donation, highlighting the challenges involved and the necessary incentives associated with it.
- The Nehemiah boys, once perceived as a threat in the Kuntorloh community, are now seen and accepted as they actively lead efforts to save the Kuntorloh community from a fire accident by responding swiftly to the emergency.
- All the Nehemiah boys and girls returned to school and are continuing doing well in their studies.
- LNP was approached by IRC with a view to working in partnership and we are delighted to announce that the necessary partnership agreement between the two organisations has now been signed.