Sierra Leone’s Future is Brighter

In the midst of challenges faced by Sierra Leone,
Its people are hopeful, resilient, and loving, shone.
Politics may cast a mixed mindset and cause trauma,
Yet the spirit remains optimistic, with no drama.

A few misguided souls may try to lead astray,
But the nation cannot be hijacked, we pray.
God’s love knows no bounds, even for the few,
Who can realign with purpose, anew.

Leadership invests in the next generation’s plight,
To rebuild Sierra Leone, shining bright.
Oh, Sierra Leone, our beloved home,
In God’s grace, may our future roam.

Youths, be not discouraged by age’s tether,
For in your youth lies a power to gather.
Set an example, be strong and true,
Sierra Leone’s future is bright, because of you.