Lifeline Nehemiah Nursery, Primary, Junior & Senior Secondary Schools

The Lifeline Schools management team has worked extremely hard throughout the 2023/2024 academic year, and the LNP leadership is very proud of the way in which the school management team have successfully managed the Nursery, Primary, Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary schools throughout the entire year. Schools officially closed on July 19th, and report cards were distributed to parents the following Saturday, and despite some challenges during the year, we can confidently say the children were well served by the various school’s staff. One practical challenge has that most parents were unable to pay even the basic school fees for their children – many could not even afford to provide the necessary, basic school materials, such as exercise books, pens, school bags, etc. Sadly, as a result of the continuing economic constraints they face, more than 90 parents did not come on July 19th to receive their children’s results, as they were hesitant about being asked to pay before they could collect them. Prior to the school closure, the Nursery Three and Class Six children graduated and, in the meantime, the school management team and Class Six pupils are waiting on the results of the National Primary School Examination (NPSE).

In addition, the school management team has started the recruitment process for the upcoming 2024/2025 academic year, as well as planning the programme for this new academic year.

Here you can see some photos of the Nursery Three and Class Six graduation ceremony…