Prince Tommy Williams
Prince Tommy Williams, is the Executive Director of Lifeline Nehemiah Projects (LNP) and the Community Engagement and Involvement(CEI) lead for CRIBS. LNP was set up as an organic response to the 10-year civil war with the purpose of rebuilding the lives of ex-child soldiers and young people affected by war. Prince joined LNP as one of the beneficiaries in the 1990s and over the past 24 years, has served in various roles before becoming Executive Director in 2019.
He is passionate about engaging and empowering communities and took the lead during the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, working with LNP, Medair and Oxfam to engage in community education, radio talk shows, supporting quarantined households, and establishing an Ebola treatment centre at one of the outbreak epicentres in Kuntorloh Wellington. He was a 2011 Commonwealth Professional Fellow and was featured in the Common Knowledge Issue. Common Knowledge Issue #3 by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK – Issuu

Mangenda Kamara
Mangenda Kamara is a gender specialist with an M. Phil and MA in Gender Studies, who previously worked as a lecturer in Community Development Studies at Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology, in Port Loko. With a special interest in working with young women affected by adolescent pregnancy, Mangenda focussed her M. Phil research on barriers and facilitators of educational opportunities for these teenagers. Mangenda worked with Lucy November from King’s College London to research the causes of maternal death in Sierra Leone amongst teenage pregnant girls and together they founded our flagship mentoring scheme, 2YoungLives in 2017. She is now doing a PhD at the University of Sierra Leone using novel Photovoice methodology to understand lived experiences of young mothers.

Mohammed Turay
Mohammed Turay is the Project Manager for the Agricultural Project and the Gi4SaveLife Community-led blood donation project in Punduru, Kenema District. He is trained and highly experienced in community engagement and involvement. He has built up a team of community champions to break down myths about blood donation, and has used the platform of farmer training to engage chiefs and community stakeholders on issues affecting beneficiaries such as GBV, child marriage and Bondo initiation (FGM), and girls’ education.